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Approach to polyuria-polydipsia by Ariadna Ribas

On May 26th Ariadna Ribas, European College of Internal Medicine graduate and head of the internal medicine service at the Veterinary Reference Hospital Veterios, gave an interesting conference on the approach to the diagnosis of polyuria and polydipsia at the facilities that Distrivet Covetrus has in Madrid and sponsored by Dechra.

Ariadna addressed the polyuria-polydipsia syndrome and, after an introduction, continued with the description of physiology and differential diagnosis, then focused on the diagnostic protocol and ended with two clinical cases and conclusions. Attendees were able to ask numerous questions at the end of Ariadna’s presentation and afterwards shared a cocktail.

Veterios is the Reference Hospital and emergencies 24h that the UNAVETS group of clinics will open on 27th of June 2022 and Ariadna Ribas will be the specialist in internal medicine; together with Ariadna, the hospital will have six European specialists in the specialities of neurology, diagnostic imaging, surgery, traumatology and anaesthesia. The hospital is located on the A-2 motorway next to the Centro Comercial Plenilunio.