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Brachycephalic Syndrome by Felipe de Vicente, clinical director of Veterios

Last Thursday, 28th April, a conference on brachycephalic syndrome was held at the headquarters of the Veterinary College of Madrid, sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim, by Felipe de Vicente, director of the Reference Hospital Veterios (UNAVETS), Ldo Vet, PhD, FHEA, PgCert VBM, DipECVS, European and British specialist in surgery and accredited in AVEPA in surgery and orthopaedics.

Felipe went through the anatomical components involved in brachycephalic syndrome, explained how the oronasal cavity of dogs with this syndrome is physiologically affected and went on to detail the different types of surgery that can be performed to relieve these patients of their pathology.

At the end of the conference there was an interesting question and answer session and, afterwards, the more than 60 veterinarians in attendance shared a cocktail in the lobby of the College.

Veterios is the 24h referral and emergency hospital that the UNAVETS group of clinics will inaugurate next June and of which Felipe will be its clinical director; together with Felipe, the hospital will have six European specialists in the specialities of neurology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, surgery, traumatology and anaesthesia. The hospital is located on the A-2 motorway next to the Centro Comercial Plenilunio.