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Filippo Montefiori (Veterios Reference Hospital) on respiratory complications in anaesthesia

Last 21st of April, Filippo Montefiori (Ldo Vet, Resident ECVAA, AVA- SEAAV Member), specialist in analgesia and anaesthesia and responsible for this service in the Veterios Hospital, gave an interesting conference about respiratory complications in anaesthesia in the training room that Distrivet – Covetrus has in Madrid, in front of 40 attendees who followed the presentation with interest. At the end there was a Q&A session on the subject and the event was closed with a catering.

Veterios is the 24h referral and emergency hospital that the UNAVETS group of clinics will inaugurate next June and in which Filippo will be its specialist in anaesthesia and analgesia; together with Filippo, the hospital will have a team of European specialists in the specialities of neurology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, surgery, traumatology and anaesthesia. The hospital is located on the A-2 motorway next to the Centro Comercial Plenilunio.