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José Ramón Escribano

José has a Diploma in Nursing UCM (1977) and a degree in Veterinary Medicine UCM (1985). He is a founding member of the “Asociación Veterinaria SAL” since 1990. In 2013 he assumed the position of managing director of VETSIA Veterinary Hospital of Reference. He is a speaker regarding several courses and seminars related to management, human resources and quality control of services. He has held positions such as: a Member of the Board of Directors of ASALMA (Asociación de Sociedades Anónimas Laborales de Madrid), the President of AMVAC, Asociación Madrileña de Animales de Compañía, a Member of the Board of Directors of the Colegio de Veterinarios de Madrid and the President of the Organizing Committee of the Iberzoo Propet (the largest professional pet fair in Spain).



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