Ruzafa Veterinary Clinic is staffed by an experienced and highly skilled team: through experience and on-going training, we are committed to introducing continuous improvements to the standard of our patient care and veterinary procedures.
Our vets are highly trained and dedicated to your pets’ health and wellbeing. Our love for animals is clear from the care and attention we provide.

María Ángeles Frontera Murgui
Mari Ángeles studied veterinary medicine at the Faculty of Zaragoza between the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s. She began her career in 1993/94, and after a year working in a clinic, she founded Clínica Veterinaria Ruzafa with her partner.Dedicated to the canine world, she fell in love with felines, which gradually gained ground in her practices.
After years of attending specialised courses in different subjects such as dermatology, internal medicine and oncology, and some congresses, she also took a Master’s degree in Ophthalmology in Bellaterra (Barcelona) in 2003-2004.
He is also interested in the field of surgery, as he participated in this department at the Faculty.
With a great team of professionals at her side, they have covered a career spanning almost 30 years.
In her spare time she tries to do sports, especially in the mountains, take care of her cats and of course enjoy her family.

Victoria Navarro
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Moncada in 2018. She continued her training in 2019 with a postgraduate degree in Emergency and Intensive Care in small animals at the UAB University in Barcelona.From the day she finished her degree she started her working life at Clinica Veterinaria Ruzafa and has continued to broaden her experience in internal medicine over the years, with the prospect of furthering her training in veterinary clinic management and personnel.
In her spare time she enjoys drawing pet portraits, photography and spending time with her family, including her two doggy daughters.

Sonia Barbero
She graduated in veterinary medicine at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in 2022. During her degree she did two years of collaboration in surgery and one year in the neurology and ophthalmology service, discovering her passion for surgery and neurology.When she finished her degree she decided to go to a wildlife recovery centre to do some work experience with birds and bears. She also started working in a veterinary hospital in the emergency department until she joined the Ruzafa Veterinary Clinic in February 2023.
In her spare time she is a scout group monitor and loves to play sports, as well as enjoying her doggy nephews.
Veterinarian Technicians & Assistants

Beatriz Coller
Veterinary Assistant
After completing her studies as a Veterinary Technical Assistant (VTA) at the CIM Study Centre, and with more than 25 years of experience in small animal clinics, she continues to train and develop her work in order to offer the client/patient a close and quality service.Las áreas que más le gustan son hospitalización, medicina del comportamiento y nutrición, así como el desarrollo de técnicas para minimizar el estrés que sufren los pacientes mientras permanecen en las instalaciones.
“Nuestra labor como ATV, aunque invisible, es muy gratificante. No cambiaría mi trabajo por nada del mundo”, afirma.