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Veterinary hospital in Lugo for the care of pets

Our veterinary hospital, a safe and welcoming environment for your furry friend. Sometimes, pets need to be hospitalised to receive specialised care under the constant supervision of our vets. At our pet hospital in Lugo, we guarantee exhaustive monitoring of their evolution, vital signs and reactions to treatment.
We are a 24-hour pet hospital in Lugo, and have individual cubicles designed for their comfort during recovery. Our professional team and state-of-the-art facilities ensure constant care for your pet. If you are worried about your pet or wondering how much it costs to hospitalise a dog in Lugo, feel free to contact us.
We will give you a personalised and transparent quote according to your pet’s needs.

When is it necessary to hospitalise a pet?

At our hospital in Lugo we have a team ready to care for any pet in various situations, such as serious illness, surgery, injury or dehydration. We provide intensive care and veterinary supervision to ensure a speedy recovery and avoid complications. If you are wondering how much it costs to hospitalise a dog in Lugo, contact us for a personalised quote. What’s more, our 24-hour pet hospital in Lugo is available for emergencies at any time of the day.

We have the resources necessary to provide the best care for your feline or any pet. Trust our veterinary hospital in Lugo for the health and well-being of your furry friend. Our pet hospital in Lugo takes care of animals 24 hours a day.

We have facilities designed for the well-being and comfort of the animals in case of hospitalisation, as well as a professional team in charge of providing specific care. Continuous supervision Contact with the owner Pampered care Specialised treatment.

Continuous monitoring

Contact to the owner

Pampered care

Specialised treatment

Guaranteed care and comfort during the hospitalisation of your most faithful companion.

As a pet hospital in Lugo, we take care of all the specific needs of each animal at the time of admission, taking into account its size, type of disease and the most appropriate treatment.

What’s more, we understand that being separated from your pet is difficult, so at our veterinary hospital in Lugo we allow visits within a special timetable. Check the visiting hours of our pet hospital in Lugo by contacting us.

At our pet hospital in Lugo we create a safe, welcoming and stress-free environment for our furry patients. We have specialised and dedicated staff who provide personalised care, ensuring the well-being and comfort of each pet.

Call Ciudad de Lugo Veterinary Hospital and find out how much it costs to hospitalise a pet in Lugo.

Hospital for dogs and cats in Lugo

At our veterinary hospital in Lugo, we understand the importance of providing a calm and safe environment for our hospitalised pets. 

That’s why we keep dogs and cats separate during their stay, avoiding any additional stress or disturbance. What’s more, at our 24 hour pet hospital in Lugo, we take specific measures to prevent the spread of disease. We do not admit animals with infectious diseases in the same wards as others with non-infectious diseases, which guarantees the health and well-being of all our patients.

At the facilities of our pet hospital in Lugo, we follow a strict cleaning and disinfection protocol to maintain a hygienic environment. The individual cubicles where the pets are admitted are cleaned daily, ensuring maximum comfort for each patient. If you are wondering how much it costs to hospitalise a pet in Lugo, you can rely on our professional and committed team. We provide specialised care in our Lugo hospital for all admitted pets, making us the hospital you can trust.